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Nýr aðili að Nasdaq verðbréfamiðstöð hf. Milliríkjasamningur og samkomulag vegna FATCA undirritað. FATCA löggjöfin sem er skammstöfum fyrir Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act var sett á til að koma í veg fyrir skattaundanskot skattgreiðenda í Bandaríkjunum og tók hún gildi 18. Samningurinn kveður á um að íslenskar fjármálastofnanir skili inn upplýsingum um eignir og innstæður bandar.
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Some big and outstanding projects performed by the VDB under the form of loan for investment. Eligible applicants are investors having investment projects on the list of projects eligible for investment credit stipulated by the Government in each period. VDB finances Dong Van hydropower project.
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Home-page - Icelandic Meteorological Office. Weather forecast for the next 24 hours. Dry in North-Iceland, scattered snowshowers at the east coast, but intermittent rain or sleet elsewhere until evening. Temperature 1 to 7 deg. during the day, warmest in Southwest-Iceland. Forecast for station - 1.
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